Friday, October 13, 2006



On Wednesday I went to a conference held at the NATO Defense College in celebration of forty years in Roma. It was a pretty long and boring day. I had to get on the bus at the school at 9AM and the bus driver proceeded to get lost and so I thought that we were being kidnapped because we actually got on the highway and left Rome. We ended up missing the opening remarks and a talk given by professors from Temple. The talks were a little bit too technical for me to follow. They used a lot of acronyms. There were a lot of different talks given by people. We heard from the Secretary General of NATO and the US Ambassador to Italy. At one point I actually fell asleep but I have an excuse. The guy was talking in Italian and we had to where headsets in order to listen in English. Well, I was having a hard time focusing on the English and so I shut my eyes to concentrate better and I accidentally fell asleep. I stayed also for the afternoon session and so I was able to get a free lunch that was great. Then after the next session they had snacks and wine out and so we all filled up so that we could get another free meal. It is so funny because they had all of these little pastries, small pizzas, and then they had pigs in a blanket. It is crazy- for some reason they are obsessed with hot dogs here. It is weird. We also got a chance to talk to some of the military guys who were in Rome taking a class for 6 weeks. They were from all over. I talked to people from England, Germany, and the US. They were very excited to talk to us. So then I didn’t get back to the school until 7PM and I spent some time printing pictures for photography. I didn’t get home till 10:30PM.

Today is Thursday and I spent all morning working on a paper for my design class and then coming over to school early to study for my Italian test. The test was pretty easy and so that was good. Right now I just got out of class and I am answering emails and such until my class in an hour. I also will be doing my application for a Czech visa and going to the embassy to get it notarized. So…that is basically my life. Tonight is going to be fun though because Rachel and I are going out and having a night on the town. Then this weekend I have a lot of fun stuff planned…like studying for midterms and writing papers and such. I also am going to try to go to Perugia one day and eat a lot of chocolate if I have the time.

I am missing everyone a lot right now because it just hit me how long it has been since I have seen everyone. It’s weird because if I were at Bucknell it wouldn’t seem like such a long time. The fact that I am 5000 miles away makes it a little different. That is why I am so excited to see my Mom and Momo and Kirk in one week in London. I can’t wait.

Friday update:
Last night was fun. Rachel and I had a dance party in our room with a couple of other friends till we got busted by the porter who told us that we were too loud. I didn’t end up going to bed that late though- I think that it was like 1AM. Anyway, of course I couldn’t sleep in today so I was up by 9AM though I tried to get back to sleep for a while. Rachel and I watched some episodes of friends and then walked down to the Vatican in search of cheap postcards…which I finally found. They were only 20 for one euro. So…then we had gelato!! I was kind of bummed because since we were in such a touristy area it was kind of expensive, but anyway:

Widlberry: I gave this another try. It was okay. It was more on the sorbet side and still tasted like it had come from syrup…2/5

Amarena (Black Cherry): Though this is a fruity flavor it did not have the consistency of sorbet. Rather, it was quite creamy. I actually liked it a lot. It had swirls of cherry flavor and little chunks as well…4/5

Okay well then, after that we went back and were preparing to get to the school and do work but we got sidetracked by Friends again. Then we had lunch and decided to come to the school. So right now I am at school trying to get work done and the internet isn’t working well and I am about to bust a cap in someone’s butt. Anyway, watching Friends kind of made me sad because I usually always watch it with Momo, Jill, Jennie, and Jnelly and they are all going to be home this weekend. So, I am really missing them right now but maybe we will be able to work something out where I can talk to them all over skype. Anyway, I am just frustrated with work. I don’t want to do any of it. Also, I have to figure out this stupid Czech Visa thing and of course the woman in the Student Affairs Office is not helpful at all. I have to print a form out in color and since my school doesn’t have a color printer I asked her where I could get it done and she had no clue. I wonder if the people here actually live in Italy and know about the way things work here or if they commute from the US. They are really the most unhelpful people in the whole entire world. Anyway, I have a lot to figure out in terms of that and so it is really stressing me out. I guess that is it for now. I should try to finish one or my papers…

So here is the deal for tonight...we are going to a club called Fluid. In order to in you have to pay 7 euros for a drink but you also get unlimited access to the dinner buffet. So basically...great dinner and a drink for only 7 euros. what a steal. we will probably leave before the dancing commences and go home to sleeep. .Ciao..

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