Thursday, October 05, 2006


Thursday October 5th

So...I have been stuck in classes these past couple of days. But this morning I did go for a walk and took some pictures for photography. I accidentally went into someone's private driveway I guess and she came out and yelled at me in Italian and so that kind of sucked...

Last night I went out for dinner with Rachel and I ordered lasagna and the half plate of some chicken dish...and out came an entire chicken!! It was pretty intense but Rachel helped me get through it so it turned out okay.

Oh, and I just booked my flight to London where I am going to meet my Mom and Momo and so I am really excited about that. I am also going to spend 7 hours in the airport waiting for them to get there and so that is going to be an experience in itself.

So tomorrow morning at 7AM I am off to Milan for the whole weekend with my Inside Italian Design class. It should be pretty exciting. We are going to see some designer studios (not fashion design) like Castiglioni. I don't really know what to expect so I am excited to see what that will be like. Also, we have some free time and so my friend Amanda and I are going to Il Duomo, the cathedral, La Scala, the opera house, and to see The Last Supper. I will check it out to see if The Da Vinci code was right about the body-less arm floating near Jesus. I think that it will be a good time.

In terms of email and such, I will be back in action on Monday.

Love you all!

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