Tuesday, October 17, 2006



So...lets see. I am in the middle of midterms currently so I am kind of stressed out. I have already done two and I have three more. Luckily at the end of it all I am going to London!! yay.

On Sunday I did a lot of work. I had to write some papers and stuff like that. We went out to eat as a kind of break from studying and so that was nice. Oh, Rachel and I didn't end up going out to that jazz club because we were just too tired. Anyway, that was basically all that I did on Sunday. It was a really boring day.

Monday I had class really early and I had to give a presentation in Photography. Then we all did our "critiques." In reality though it wasn't even a critique. I mean we looked at pictures that we had printed and just talked about problems that we had had. I don't think anybody is going to get less than an A in that class. Also on Monday I locked myself in the library for many many hours to make a study guide for the midterm that I just took twenty minutes ago!!! I know...right now my life is really boring. Although...I did try some new gelato:

coffee mousse: the mousse variation of gelato is interesting and to be honest it is a bit too rich for my blood. I mean, it isn't cold and it has a fluffy consistency so that it almost tastes like frosting...1.5/5

chocolate with chili peppers: I know, it sounds weird...and it was! the taste wasn't bad per say but it did leave an awful taste in my mouth and it made my throat scratchy like after too many freeze pops...1/5

Today is Tuesday and I have been studying/in class taking midterms all day and as soon as I sign off I am going home to make a study guide for my midterm tomorrow night. Oh life...
So I think that that is it. The midterm that I just took wasn't hard but it wasn't fun either. Oh, I got a test back in Italian on Monday and I got an A so I was happy about that. Thats it for now, I will probably do one more post before I go to London baby yeah! and I am not sure if I will have access to the internet after Thursday night but we will see.


Oh yeah...I am missing two very important events this weekend...one is my family's early Thanksgiving activities at Nana and PopPops and the other is the Kayne West concert at Bucknell...believe me I will be both these places in spirit :)

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