Thursday, September 28, 2006


Wednesday September 28, 2006

Today was a weird day. I woke up at 8:30 and went to the grocery store. I was kind of in a bad mood because I always feel very lonely in the mornings. I ate breakfast and all that good stuff and then walked to school. On the way, I stopped to buy photography paper, and that set me back 35 Euros! Oh well, I am excited to print some actual pictures. So I got to the school about an hour and a half before my class started and I tried to do some reading for a class but it was literally the most awful thing that I have ever read. I don't like assigned readings that go into a detailed discussion about a movie I haven't seen or a painting I don't know. It is just so difficult to follow when you have absolutely no clue what the article is talking about. Anyway, that is what I tried to read. Then I had Italian and that was a fine class. The professor is always able to cheer me up because he has a good sense of humor. After that I had a four hour break before my next class. I was trying to make plans with this girl to do an overnight trip on Friday-Saturday of this weekend. It was just really stressful becuase she just wanted to go somewhere inexpensive and I wanted to go somewhere that I was interested in. Anyway, she ended up bailing on me. I was so angry and anxious because I really don't want to have to stay in Rome this weekend. I just feel like I need to get out of the city and do something fun. And my friend Amanda is going to be gone on a class trip this weekend and Rachel was planning on going to Milan. I talked to Amanda about it though and she was able to calm me down a little bit. I don't know why but I just had this overwhelming sense of dread about this weekend and I hate that. So, I decided just to tag along with Rachel to Milan even though I am going there next weekend on a class trip. But...(I know, its long and complicated) when I asked Rachel if I could come she said that she wasn't going anymore so we are now trying to plan a trip to somewhere else. Anyway, the point is that plans are so hard to make especialy when people are only thinking about money. I mean I understand a budget and everything like that. I mean, I may be one of the cheapest people you will ever meet, but when I am in Italy I am not going to just stay in one place so that I can save money. It doesn't make any sense. So...I really hope that I get to go somewhere this weekend otherwise I am just going to feel trapped here. I also don't really want to go off on my own because that is no fun and I hate being alone. So...that was the major stress of yesterday and it kind of ruined my day. I went to class and walked home and ate a frozen pizza. I actually had homework to do last night and so I did that and then I talked to my Dad and Patrice on the phone. I am in a weird place because I feel like I want to have fun and do all of these things but I also want it to pass quickly so that I can go home and see everyone. Its stressful days like this one that I really miss home a lot. And to top it all off I didn't get to talk to Andrew because he had a radio show until 2 AM my time. That made me sad.

But I am still hoping that I will be able to get out and go somewhere this weekend. I don't care where at this point. I am off to work on my photography stuff (because it is Thursday morning here). I'll let you know how today is you all!!!

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