Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Tuesday September 26, 2006

The past two days have been very busy for me. On Monday, my alarm clock decided to conk out on me and so I woke up late and had to basically run to the school in order to make it to my Photography class. It was actually a lot of fun though, even if I did forget my umbrella. We walked around to various parts of this great big park and took lots of great pictures. I also got brave enough to take some pictures of people so I hope that those come out well.

In other news...I got an A on my Italian test. It really wasn't that difficult but it is worth 5% of my grade so that is great. Italian tha past two days has been very interesting because we have been getting into verbs and such. I am hopefully going to be able to speak it well enough to communicate with people. Today for breakfast I actually did use and Italian sentence: vorrei questo. I would like that one. I was choosing a pastry (that was delicious by the way). I mean the barrista laughed at me but I think that she definitely appreciated my attempt.

Also, I got a lot of reading done yesterday...I needed to catch up for one of my classes and so I was working pretty solidly through 8pm. Then I basically took the bus back home and went to bed. I also finished my book...By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept by Paulo Coelho. I really liked it and I think that I am going to read more of his books. They are very spiritual and personal, and they are very inspirational. Has anybody out there read any of his books?

This morning I also had to get up really early so that I could go to the local police station and get my permit to stay. My roommate and I got there at 8:15 and left at noon. It took for-ev-er. It was so funny because the station was nothing like a modern station in the United States. It was really dirty and old. Also, they had hardly any technology. They did input some of my information but they also had a great big notebook that contained the names of all of the people in Rome who are not Italians. It was kind of strange. I also had to give fingerprints and palm prints which was an interesting experience. I am glad that I got it out of the way though because that means that I am going to be able to travel somewhere outside of Rome on Fri-Sat! I am excited to get out of the city. I am not exactly sure where I am going to go; I am going to explore options tonight. I'll keep you all informed. I'm not sure if I already said this, but on Sunday I am going to the Marino Wine Festival. It is a combination of observation for my Anthropology class and just for fun. I think that they are going to have wine flowing in the central fountain instead of water which will be cool to see. First I have to get through 2 more days of classes...

Okay thats it for now. I hope that everyone is well. I have been getting some email responses to what I have been writing and I love it. Keep them coming! Also, if possible, send me some pictures. I love getting pictures.

Love you all...and I promise to try some more gelato tonight. Inside information has told me that grapfruit is a worthy flavor so I may try to find that. Ciao!

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