Thursday, September 21, 2006


Tuesday September 19th

Today my roommate Ivona and I went to Trastevere in the morning to see a photgraphy exhibition. Trastevere is a really nice area of Roma that has all of the steretypical aspects of an Italian residential neighborhood. We saw old women hanging out their laundry and men sweeping out restaurants and singing. I think that I am going to go back soon and take some pictures. Anyway...there were two photo exhibitions. The first was really interesting, Women of Trastevere 1971-72. They were really emotion filled pictures of Italian women living there everyday lives. The other was called Born Somewhere by a famous photojournalist named Zizola. The pictures were of children from all around the world who were suffering some horrible injustice. Some where injured by bombs, others had aids. The photographs were blown up 2' by 3' and the whole thing was incredibly depressing. Adterward, I had to stop and buy some chocolate in order to cheer myself up. Then I had classes from 1-7:30. My roommates went out to a dance performance, but I stayed home and talked to my father and Andrew and did homework. blah...

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